Washington Disarmament Conference!(:
Washington disarmament conference
The clearest precedent for the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) of the 1970s was the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) signed in 1968. The NPT established a framework for the control and limitation of nuclear weapons and paved the way for negotiations on nuclear disarmament and arms control. It provided a model for the superpowers to engage in discussions and seek agreements to prevent an arms race and reduce the risk of nuclear conflict.
Washington Naval Conference
Washington Naval Conference
The purpose of the Washington disarmament conference is to control the construction of navy ships.
The leaders of the Washington Conference hoped to attain naval disarmament among the world's major powers
Washington Conference.
Warren Harding called the Washington Disarmament Conference (otherwise known as the Washington Naval Conference) from 1921 - 1922. It was outside the League of Nations, attended by 9 countries regarding interest in the Pacific Ocean and East Asia. It was the first arms control conference in history and was considered a model for success in the disarmament movement.
President Warren G. Harding sponsored the Washington Treaty for Naval Disarmament. The conference took place in June of 1921.
From November 1921 until February 1922.
The Washington Naval Conference took place in Washington, DC, in 1921-1922. The world's largest naval powers gathered to discuss naval disarmament and ways to relieve growing tensions in East Asia.
Washington Disarmament Conference
To limit the #s of warship they built.
Washington Disarmament Conference!(:
The Washington Naval Conference discussed global disarmament and Pacific security. This was through the signing of the Kellogg Briand pact.
First Washington Conference