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US deaths were over 58,000 men. For totals for other nations, see website: Vietnam War.

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How many deaths were there on the South Vietnam side during the Vietnam War?

See: Statistics About the Vietnam War. Recommended by the History Channel.

What was total of U.S. of deaths in Vietnam war?

Around 58,000

How many countries was there in Vietnam after the Vietnam war?

After the war, there was a reunification of Vietnam. So the answer is "One country".

Which countries used conscription in the Vietnam war?

During the Vietnam War, all combatants (including North Vietnam) used draftees except for the New Zealanders, they sent volunteers to South Vietnam.

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Did the usa lose more men in Vietnam then World War 2?

No. World War 2 had 418,500 US Deaths. Vietnam had 58,217 US Deaths. and 155,359 Wounded/MIA (1,947 are MIA)

How many total American troops die in the Vietnam war?

Here is a breakdown for the Vietnam War: Vietnam War (1964–1975) Total servicemembers 8,744,000 Serving in-theater 3,403,000 Battle deaths 47,410 Other deaths in service (theater) 10,789 Other deaths in service (nontheater) 32,000 Nonmortal woundings 153,303

What countries where involed at the Vietnam war?

Vietnam , America , and Russia

Which war had more US combat deaths Korea or Vietnam?

world war two dummy

Was the Vietnam war a majority rule?

The Vietnam War was part of the cold war. The cold war was between governments (Nations/Countries).

What was the total population of soldiers in the Vietnam war?

Over 3,403,100 US Servicemen served in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War; of those men, 2,594,000 served in country (South Vietnam).

What countries were fighting in the Vietnam War?

North Vietnam/VC vs allies