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Q: Although the group known as Solidarity eventually obtained wide public support and political power it began as simply an organization of?
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What symbolized the end of the Cold War?

a matter of debate, although several events could be construed:Fall of the Berlin Wall (1989)Election of Lech Walesa's Solidarity Party in Poland (1989)Velvet Divorce (1993)Gorbachev's policies of Perestroika and Glasnost

Where were political prisoners sent under Nicholas 1?

Mostly to Siberia, although other (distant) places also sometimes were given as the place of banishment. It should however be mentioned that the Gulag prison camps in Siberia with their harsh treatment and forced labour is largely a thing of the Communist era. Under the Tsars political prisoners could often take their family and (if they had them) servants along to an indicated town or region in Siberia and lead a reasonably normal life there, although they were of course not allowed - unless with special permission from the Tsar - to leave their place of banishment.

What was Josef Mengeles' relationship with Hitler?

Yes, he did indeed. Although Hitler never visited an operational concentration camp, he met Hitler and Himmler in Berlin in 1941. He was introduced to Hitler by his boss Verschuer. He met Hitler again during the funeral of Romel.

When did turkey surrender in World War 1?

Never. Turkey didn't exist as an independent republic until 1920. The Ottoman Empire was subjected to the terms of the Treaty of Sevres on 10 August, 1920, but that was never ratified (and was thus eventually aborted). Hostilities officially ceased with the Treaty of Lausanne on 6 August 1924, although the war had ended by that point.

Who did the US fight againest in world war 2?

The US entered WWII because of the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor. Although it was inevatible that the US would eventually enter the war. Both japan and Germany were worried about US interestes in the south pacific as well as our relationships with various countries in Europe. The major countries in the opposition were japan, Germany, and Italy.

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Are there political organization in your place other than state?

Although we do not know where your place is, (as you have not told us), the likelihood is that there will be other political organisations there.

What was the characteristic political organization of the Tigris-Euphrates civilization?

Sumerian political organization was based on city-states that controlled the surrounding agricultural fields. The city- states were ruled by kings who set boundaries, regulated religion, provided justice, and led the armies. The elite kings, priests, and nobles controlled much of the land, which was worked by slaves. Sumerian civilization established the basic traditions for all Mesopotamian civilizations. Although larger political empires occasionally coalesced, the city-state remained the elemental principle of political organization in Sumeria. The economy continued to rely on slave labor.In short, regional city-states.

Are there Atheist in Alcoholics Anonymous?

Yes, although is a spiritual organization.

What is a political party and how is it represented in congress?

A political party is an organization that is devoted to some political objective or objectives which reflect some political philosophy. That philosophy often can be described either as conservative or liberal, although those are not the only possibilities. A party can participate in elections, and if it gets enough support from voters, can be represented in Congress by its candidates who win elections, and become either Representatives or Senators, depending upon which house of Congress they are in.

How political is Jackie Chan?

Although Jackie Chan has expressed some of his personal opinions about political issues over the years he is not very political.

Who makes decisions in an empire?

Decisions in an empire are made by the head of the empire, no matter if its a business empire or a political one. Although the political emperors and the CEO's of giant businesses all have advisers and specialized people to give them input, the final decision lays with the head of the organization.Decisions in an empire are made by the head of the empire, no matter if its a business empire or a political one. Although the political emperors and the CEO's of giant businesses all have advisers and specialized people to give them input, the final decision lays with the head of the organization.Decisions in an empire are made by the head of the empire, no matter if its a business empire or a political one. Although the political emperors and the CEO's of giant businesses all have advisers and specialized people to give them input, the final decision lays with the head of the organization.Decisions in an empire are made by the head of the empire, no matter if its a business empire or a political one. Although the political emperors and the CEO's of giant businesses all have advisers and specialized people to give them input, the final decision lays with the head of the organization.Decisions in an empire are made by the head of the empire, no matter if its a business empire or a political one. Although the political emperors and the CEO's of giant businesses all have advisers and specialized people to give them input, the final decision lays with the head of the organization.Decisions in an empire are made by the head of the empire, no matter if its a business empire or a political one. Although the political emperors and the CEO's of giant businesses all have advisers and specialized people to give them input, the final decision lays with the head of the organization.Decisions in an empire are made by the head of the empire, no matter if its a business empire or a political one. Although the political emperors and the CEO's of giant businesses all have advisers and specialized people to give them input, the final decision lays with the head of the organization.Decisions in an empire are made by the head of the empire, no matter if its a business empire or a political one. Although the political emperors and the CEO's of giant businesses all have advisers and specialized people to give them input, the final decision lays with the head of the organization.Decisions in an empire are made by the head of the empire, no matter if its a business empire or a political one. Although the political emperors and the CEO's of giant businesses all have advisers and specialized people to give them input, the final decision lays with the head of the organization.

Is Egypt the hottest place on earth?

No, it is not. Although, it is currently a political hotbed.

Which minor political party is committed to environmentalism?

Although there are many minor political parties committed to environmentalism the one that stands out is the ecology party.

Although US political parties focus on winning elections most political parties in other countries also?

All of the above

What is the US spy organization called?

The primary 'spy organization' for the United States is the Central Intelligence Agency, although new agencies are slowly taking on tasks relating to this.

Is it wrong for a Christian to be against the Israeli government?

No - some are, although in my opinion they are mistaken. This is a political issue, and Christians can differ on political issues and still be Christian.

What was George Washington's political affiliations?

George Washington was a "Federalist," although in his time, there weren't clear-cut political parties. Washington himself was set against any divisions brought on by political parties.