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Look at Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points. Specifically numbers 2 and 3.

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Q: America's war aims for World War 1?
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When was Germany's Aims in the First World War created?

Germany's Aims in the First World War was created in 1961.

What is the ISBN of Germany's Aims in the First World War?

The ISBN of Germany's Aims in the First World War is 0393097986.

What did Americas call World War 1?

It was called "the Great War".

What were the German War Aims in World War Two?

German supremacy over Europe.

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What were Japan's war aims on the US in world war 2?

To eliminate the US as an interference from Japan's quest for territory.

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Who was Americas world war 1 president?

Theodore Roosevelt

What war did the conclusion of World War 2 lead to?

It caused the vietnamese and the cold war. Because of nuclear power and the raise of Americas power

What were the aims of the Communists in World War 1?

To take over all of Europe

One of the aims of the US during World War 1 was?

killing everyone