During the war 100,000 Confederate troops came from Georgia.
Andersonville, Georgia.
It was deliberate wrecking of the farms and the railroads, to ruin the Southern economy and starve the Confederate armies in the field. It was carried out in the Shenandoah Valley by Sheridan, and in Georgia and South Carolina by Sherman.
Andersonville, Georgia. Its commandant - Wirz - was the only Confederate hanged for war-crimes.
The notorious one was Andersonville, Georgia.
Georgia was on the Confederate (Southern) side.
The confederate states were Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas.
The Governor of Georgia wanted local draftees to be used only for the defence of Georgia - in defiance of Confederate policy.
During the war 100,000 Confederate troops came from Georgia.
The southern states:South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, loisiana, and Texas seceeded from the union and went to Montgomery, Alabama and formed the confederate states of America. They elected Jefferson Davis as the president
Sherman in Georgia - to destroy the Southern farms and railroads, wreck the economy, and help to starve the Confederate troops in the field.
Georgia was a Confederate state
Confederate states: South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee
Alexander Stephens
to the confederate