He was the heir to the Austro-Hungarian empire. He was going to be the ruler after his uncle, Franz Joseph, passed away.
The assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary(Which is No longer here) on June 28, 1914. Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the next heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary and was assassinated by a Serbian man on the Princip Bridge (Now Called the Latin Bridge).
Ferdinand the Catholicwas king of aragon- in 1474-1504, as Ferdinand V, in right of his wife-and then regent of that country also from 1508 to his death, in the name of his reportedly mentally unstable daughter joanna.
was it in 1914 or something ells i dont no i need to no the answer was it in 1914 or something ells i dont no i need to no the answer was it in 1914 or something ells i dont no i need to no the answer
28 June 1914 in Sarajevo, a man named Gavrilo Princip (a member of the Black Hand) wanders the street. He is just one of a number of young assassins who have come to kill Archduke Franz Ferdinand. They line the route along which the Archduke is to drive. They have bombs and pistols ready in their pockets. Gavrilo nervously fingers the pistols in his pocket as he waits.....he hears a sound of explosion. The dead is done.One of his compatriots must have killed the Archduke but there he is! the car and Franz next to him is his wife in a white dress who is dead, Gavrilo has no time to think. He take his pistol out from his pocket, aims on the car and pulls the trigger....he doesn't know how many bullets he shot before he is grabbed and pushed to the ground. Punches and kicks the rain down on him. It is over.
Check out http://www.firstworldwar.com/features/declarationsofwar.htm Here's how the dominos fell in WWI: Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria assassination on 28 June 1914 Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia on 28 July 1914 Russia, Germany & France mobilize over the next few days. Germany declared war on Russia on 1 Aug 1914 Canada, France, Russia, Belgium, and the UK were all in a state of war with Germany, A-H within 2 weeks. Italy, Greece, Turkey and the USA entered the war somewhat later.
His full name is Archduke Franz Ferdinand. He was the Archduke of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, meaning he was next in line for the throne. He was assassinated in Sarejevo, Bosnia, by a Serbian nationalist sparking the Great War.
The cause of World War 1 was because of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Ferdinand was the next in line for the throne of Austria. Austria then put the blame on Serbia, starting World War 1.
Gavrilo Princip, using a FN Browning model 1910 32 caliber pistol, shot Franz Ferdinand. It was almost dumb luck that the bullet struck the archduke in the next causing him to bleed to death.
Gavrilo Princip shot Ferdinand and his wife with a Fabrique Nationale model 1910 32ACP pistol. There is a picture of this type of pistol at the related link below.
The assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary(Which is No longer here) on June 28, 1914. Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the next heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary and was assassinated by a Serbian man on the Princip Bridge (Now Called the Latin Bridge).
the next book by Scott Westerfeld will be Leviathan. it will be released in 2009. it is the first of a trilogy set in an alternate-history World War I and the main character will be the teenage son of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria
the first country to be declared at war with Germany was Serbia after they made an alliance with Austria/Hungary after Serbia killed the archduke Franz Ferdinand who was next in the line for the throne. Hope this has helped you, Anonymous
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand(heir and next in line to the Austria-Hungary throne)
Nedeljko Čabrinović, one of the six Black Hand members attempting to assassinate Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand, swallowed a cyanide pill after failing to blow-up Ferdinand's car with a bomb.Čabrinović's luck was terrible on June 28, 1914: The bomb bounced off the back of Archduke Ferdinand's convertible and rolled under the next car in the motorcade, detonating and wounding 20 people; Čabrinović quickly swallowed his cyanide pill and jumped into the Miljacka River, but the river was only a few inches deep at that point, and the cyanide only induced vomiting. The police quickly captured Čabrinović, but allowed the crowd of onlookers to beat him before taking him into custody.Of course Franz Ferdinand's luck was much worse that day. Gavrilo Princip shot him in the neck and killed him about 35 minutes later.
He composed music. He was known as the "father of the symphony" in many respects.
Most likely Franz Ferdinand
Ferdinand the Catholicwas king of aragon- in 1474-1504, as Ferdinand V, in right of his wife-and then regent of that country also from 1508 to his death, in the name of his reportedly mentally unstable daughter joanna.