Yes, all sins are not equal.Some sins are worse than others as the Holy Bible tells us.For Example - In Mark 3:28-29 it says --"28-Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: 29- But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation: So,the scripture tells us that Blaspheming the Holy spirit (Ghost)is most worse sin than the others. That is right, also fornication is another worst sin. Read 1Corinthians 6:18-19
worse at what? He was bad as a dictator, as he did not dictate. He was bad as an artist, at least according to his critics. He was bad as a husband. I do not know how well he played baseball, so i could not comment as to who was worse than him.
There would be different opinions on this but Hitler did kill a whole lot more people than Judas did so that makes him much worse.
diseases EDIT: infection, amputation, smallpox, and well suicide for some... or friendly fire in Stonewall Jackson's case...
No better or worse than any other nationality
The same reason as many other people are. Ignorance. You can find some in any group that will feel badly towards those who are different. The Jewish people are no better or worse than other groups in this regard.
yes. but they are all not good.
depends on the concnetration of nerves at the site.
Yes, in the sense that there's some that's worse for you than others.Pop in general is never "good" for you to drink.
Because the cuss word is always worse than saying "Butthead" or something
White Collar crimes can have a far worse impact than blue collar crimes, look up 'Madoff'. Also they usually do not receive equal punishments. Blue collar punishments tend to be worse.
Well it really depends on the felony since some are worse than others. GOOGLe it
No, actually women/girls are committing more crimes than men/boys. This is a growing statistic and in recent years has become worse.
they arent. numerous people have told me that all sins are equal, that even if one person tells a small lie and the other person robs a bank, neither is worse than the other. ~ in God's eyes no sin is worse than the othr...thay all bad!
Oh yes, Jews are no better (or indeed worse) than any other people.
because some countries cant afford food like Canada and some countries don't have money to buy food
Some Births are Worse than Murders was created in 1989-03.
100% mainly cuz everyone when they walk get "injured" just some are worse than others.