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Q: Are there 7 people in the world that look exactly the same?
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Is there at least one person in this world that looks exactly like you?

no, unless you try to look the same as them, but you won't be exactly the same. no, unless you try to look the same as them, but you won't be exactly the same. no, unless you try to look the same as them, but you won't be exactly the same.

Are there people in the world with the same face?

Yes it is true that there are 7 people that look alike in the world. Even if they don't look "alike" exactly they may be resembling each other.

Can different people have children that look exactly the same?

Chance mostly, and maybe the fact that they are both the same ethnicity. With almost 7 billion people in the world, some are bound to look alike.

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Exactly the same

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They look exactly the same, but some people there don't understand them.

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For exactly the same reasons people from every other country in the world kill people.

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They look exactly the same as the houses belonging to other ordinary people - ie not the Royalty!

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for the same reason that the back of your left hand does not look exactly the same as your right: people are not symmetrical.

Are there two animals that look exactly the same?

people do look the same but we all have a least one characteristic that makes us different. DNA is so complex and everyones is different. so really no two people can look EXACTLY the same but they can look similar only exception is twins

How similar are two people with respect to chromosomes genes and alleles?

No two people in the world are exactly the same except identical twins. Their chromosomes are exactly the same because the egg split in two and formed two identical embryos.

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Do a female and a male gray wolf look alike or different?

They can look alike but, they don't look exactly alike. No two of any species are exactly the same.