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Yes. Most of the survivors who are still alive were young, in many cases very young, at the time of the Holocaust. Many years ago I met a woman who had been born in January 1945 at Auschwitz, in the camp, about 12 hours before it was liberated by the Soviet Army. Her parents were extremely lucky in that they had been sent to Auschwitz exceptionally late. Obviously, she had no recollection of the camp. She and her parents migrated to Britain in 1950.

One of the best known survivors still alive is Elie Wiesel.


There are numerous museums around the US where one can tour the history of the Holocaust. Most of them provide tours once or twice a month that include an opportunity to meet and listen to a Survivor. I visited the one in Detroit two years ago. The story was simple and very moving. He had watched his mother and little brother taken directly to the extermination portion of Aucshwitz while he went to the working side.

Yes, many, but their numbers are dwindling rapidly.

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13y ago
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14y ago


if you take today's date 2010 and subtract the date of the end of the Holocaust 1945 you get:

2010 - 1945 = 65

so the youngest survivor of the Holocaust will be 65 years old

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15y ago

Granted, most of them were children at the time of the holocaust, but many are still around. Some of them are notable actors/actresses, such as Robert Clary from Hogan's Heroes.


In 1945 most of the survivors were aged about 16 to 40.

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15y ago

Yes, there are a few still alive. Most of the survivors still alive now were young at the time - in the 1930s and 40s. So, if they were infants then they are now in their 60s ot 70s or so. There also some survivors now in their 80s, who were teenagers at the time.

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14y ago

About a few hundreds are still alive after the holocaust

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13y ago

yes there are lots of people still alive from the holocaust, there have even been documentaries about Jews that lived through it.

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12y ago

Yes, there are many world wide still alive that suffered through the Holocaust.

But even those who were young children are quite elderly today.

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15y ago

Yes, for example Elie Wiesel.

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15y ago

Yes - for example, Elie Wiesel.

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