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Q: Are there any surviors from auswitchs?
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What happened to the holocaust surviors?

they tried to rebuild their lives.

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Who rescued the Titanic surviors?

The Carpathia picked up survivors from the Titanic

What time did help come to rescuse the titanic surviors?

Carpathia arrived at about four in the morning.

If an international airplane crashes exactly on the border of the us and Mexico where do they bury the survicors?

You don't there surviors.

What ship picked up the surviors on the Titanic?

The ship that picked up the Titanic survivors was the Carpathia.

Where was Carpathia going when it rescued titanic surviors?

The RMS Carpathia was going to (what it is known as today) Rijeka, Croatia.

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when did his parents die??

Is there a real survire of the Titanic?

Yes, there were surviors from the Titanic such as Miss Elizabeth Gladys Dean, Violet Jessop, Lillian Asplund, and Barbara Joyce Dainton West.

Where are the surviors for the Holocaust?

their werent alot of people who got saved in the holocaust they were in hiding anywhere really far away from where the holocaust had occurred but right now at this time the survivors are dead and survivors were really lucky that they didnt get killed by Hitler

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beetles have been on earth for about 300 million years

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