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Socially Constructed Apex O,,w,,O

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Q: Because race only exists when people decide that there are differences between people what do sociologists consider race to be?
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What is patriarchy to sociologists?

* *; PATRIARCHY *: Literally 'rule by the father' but more generally it refers to a social situation where men are dominant over women in wealth, status and power. Patriarchy is associated with a set of ideas, a 'patriarchal ideology' that acts to explain and justify this dominance and attributes it to inherent natural differences between men and women. Sociologists tend to see patriarchy as a social product and not as an outcome of innate differences between the sexes and they focus attention on the way that gender roles in a society affect power differentials between men and women

What are all sociologists trying to do?

Illiuminate the connection between the individual and society.

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Compare is a verb (the noun is comparison) Difference is a noun (the verb is differentiate). Compare means to consider one or more objects or ideas and to analyze the similarities and differences. Differentiate means to be able to consider two similar objects (or ideas) and to identify which is which. Contrast means to consider two objects (or concepts) and to identify the differences between them.

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