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Q: Before 1914 many political leaders thought war in Europe could be?
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How did Europe react and rebuild after World War 2?

New political leaders were elected, and they helped to turn their respective countries around and build them up to where they were before the war.

How were the post World War 2 bounderies esablished?

The political leaders of the Big 3 and other allied force leaders decided how the borders would be drawn in Europe and Korea.

What has the author Antony Black written?

Antony Black has written: 'Political thought in Europe, 1250-1450'

Why did the Potsdam Conference occur?

to decide the terms boundaries of post war europe

How were Hitler and Napoleon similar leaders?

They both thought they could take Russia in the middle of Winter and wanted an Empire that spanned most of Europe.

Who is the three leaders in Europe now?

Europe is a continent with over 50 countries. Each of those countries have their own leaders. So there are a lot more than three leaders in Europe.

How did eastern Europe's political boundaries change from before World War I to after World War I?

Political changes in eurpe after world war 1

What was Europe's political structure?

The political structure of medieval Europe is Feudalism.

How did machiavelli impact Europe in the renaissance?

Machiavelli's work, such as "The Prince," challenged traditional ideas of politics and morality. These ideas influenced political thought during the Renaissance and continue to shape discussions on power and governance today. His emphasis on realism and practicality have had a lasting impact on how leaders approach decision-making and governance.

Why did Europe not play a large role in the African slave trade before the 1400s?

Peasants provided European leaders with enough labor.

Who discovered europe with all those people being there already?

The first settlers of Europe are thought to be Neanderthals, before the last Ice Age 10,000 years ago.