It means that you work really hard. You can do it with hard work.
The 60's music group, "Blood, Sweat, and Tears."
"I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat."Winston Churchill, gave a speech in the House of Commons on becoming the British Prime Minister.
How about: we won it for the rest of the world?
They were shed
They were shed.
" victory " is from patriots " toil", patriots " sweat "patriots tears and patriots " blood.
" victory " is from patriots " toil", patriots " sweat "patriots tears and patriots " blood.
Jesus in Gethsemane.
Paloma faith
Blood sweat and tears
Blood, Sweat & Tears
From an old 1960's song, "Blood, Sweat, and Tears"; we used to write them on tanks, artillery pieces, trucks, etc. Often modified into "Mud, Sweat and Tears" or "Mud, Blood, and Tears."
The 60's music group, "Blood, Sweat, and Tears."
You can expect blood, sweat, and tears. If completed successfully, you can expect to be the best fighting machine on the face of the earth.You can expect blood, sweat, and tears. If completed successfully, you can expect to be the best fighting machine on the face of the earth.You can expect blood, sweat, and tears. If completed successfully, you can expect to be the best fighting machine on the face of the earth.You can expect blood, sweat, and tears. If completed successfully, you can expect to be the best fighting machine on the face of the earth.You can expect blood, sweat, and tears. If completed successfully, you can expect to be the best fighting machine on the face of the earth.You can expect blood, sweat, and tears. If completed successfully, you can expect to be the best fighting machine on the face of the earth.
Blood Sweat & Tears
GI's often painted the words "Mud, Sweat, and Tears" on their tanks, trucks, ACAVs, etc. This was from the popular 60's music at the time..."Blood, Sweat, and Tears."
'blood sweat and tears' is an expression meaning 'a lot of effort'. blood=hurt/trouble sweat=work (especially Hard work) tears=frustration/sadness basically, if you work hard, you can get a good education