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Increase understanding of the past.

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Q: By studying the lives of both famous and ordinary people historians can gain?
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What do historians gain by studying famous and ordinary people?

they increase their understanding of the past

What do historians gain by studying both famous and ordinary people?

they increase their understanding of the past

Why is it only the historians keep the records and not the ordinary people?

cos normal people dont care

Did Mother Teresa have famous parents?

No, her parents were just ordinary people. They were not famous.

Why do you think ordinary people are interested in the lives of famous people?

Ordinary people have been interested in the lives of famous people as long as there have been famous people. There are several reasons for this including it gives you a glimpse of how the other half lives. People are inspired by someone famous and want to know more about them.

Which people is not famous historian?

Very nearly 100% of the people on Earth are not famous historians. ? Or do you have a list of names for us to pick from?

Which is true about the subject matter of an ode?

It varies greatly, from famous people to ordinary objects.

What is history according to Constantino?

history is not only for the rich and famous people but also for the ordinary citizens

What evidence historians have for how the Nok people lived?

Historians rely on archaeological evidence to understand how the Nok people lived. This includes excavations of Nok settlements, artifacts such as terracotta figurines and iron tools, and analysis of environmental factors like soil composition and vegetation. By studying these aspects, historians can piece together a picture of the Nok people's daily life, social organization, and economic activities.

What is history according to Renato Constantino?

history is not only for the rich and famous people but also for the ordinary citizens

What are some problems that face historians when studying the Celts?

Many people in the Celtic societies were not literate, so written records of any kind are very hard to find.

What might historians and scientists learn by studying this burial site?

Historians and scientists may learn about the culture and practices of the people who were buried at the site, including their beliefs, social structure, and customs. By analyzing the remains, they can gather information about health, diet, and living conditions of the individuals. Studying the artifacts and grave goods found in the burials can provide insight into the material culture of the society.