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Yes, quite a large percentage do, but not on a fluent scale. Due to English being a subject which all Germans must take at school and English being the international language, it is quite popular in Germany and has even led to the creation of Denglisch(English words making their way into the German language, i.e. to verb to download, usually is herunterladen although downloaden has become popular).

Germans often swear quite a lot in English as opposed to German which shocks some people, so be careful if you're a tourist because there's a good chance people know what you're saying!

All-in-all, a good percentage of the population speak basic English, but know more hoarse language, too.

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Q: Can Germans speak English
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What langages do the Germans speak?

The Germans speak German. There are many Germans that can also speak English and no doubt many Germans are able to speak many other languages depending on their education and position in life,

Why Germans cannot speak English?

German children rarely grow up speaking English at home unless one or both parents are native speakers. Germans do not begin learning English until the 5th grade. Some of them may choose not to learn English at all. Some Germans cannot speak English because they do not learn how to speak it.

What percentage of Germans speak English?

99% of germans speak englishAnswer 2Most Germans have learnt some English in school.I would guess about half of German adults would understand if you spoke simple English, probably about 1/4 of adults could answer back.

What language do Germans speak in North America?

English and German

Do the Germans speak English?

Yes, many Germans speak English, especially the younger generation and those who work in the tourism industry or international companies. However, proficiency may vary, and it is always helpful to learn a few basic German phrases when visiting Germany.

Why do many Germans speak English?

You have to learn at least one foreign language at school. Mostly this is english.

Compare and contrast German and Japan?

Germans are have blue eyes and speak English. japan have chinky eyes and speak Japanese.

What are all of the languages that Germans speak?

Germans primarily speak German, but many also speak English as a second language due to its prominence in international business and education. Additionally, some Germans may speak regional dialects or minority languages such as Low German, Sorbian, or Turkish.

What is the langauage of Germany?

In Germany we speak German... but we also learn english in school so most germans from the ages 14-30 speak english quite well :)

When did Germans speak a language that could be understood by the English?

English and German are both Germanic languages. They have the same root origins.

Can Angela merkel speak English?

Certainly Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, can speak in English. Most Germans can speak in English and fairly well too. They depend on English speaking Tourism. Any leader of a nation needs to know some English.

Does everyone in Germany speak English?

Depends on the person. Some speak only one language, some speak more than one. Each country has at least some people who speak 2 languages or more. A further point: Most Germans learn English at school, often to a respectable or high standard. In fact, in Germany people who cannot speak (and read) a foreign language are considered uneducated.