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Q: Can the advancement of technology kills lots of peoples?
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Lots of things!

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Get lots of kills and do challenges

Did Queen Victoria win her peoples heart?

yes lots

On MW2 if you have lots of kills for your UMP45 When you prestige Do you lose all these kills?

If you have not prestiged then you do but if you have you get to keep the prestige veteran and master kill numers

How does a marketing manager differ from a manager?

because market manager meets lots of peoples and he knows what is the basic thougts of peoples.

How do you get marijuana out of peoples system faster?

lots of cranberry juice, lots of water, pee alot, and take detox

What are the English peoples culture?

We eat lots of fast food are always in a hurry...we also try to always stay up to date with the latest in fashion, technology, ect...we really do not value and honor out elderly as opposed to other cultures

How can you get nuzleaf?

lots of people like pok'emon but lots of peoples like you like Pokemon diamond and pearl but how to get nuzleaf.up your but to the right.

Why do people like modern warfare?

on peoples opinion its fun to play and there's lots of action in it which lots of people like

How technology can be controllled?

Technology can be basically controlled by other technologies and lots of other things i guess.

How to create new technology?

Creating new technology involves several steps, including conceptualizing, researching, developing, and testing. visit techstackdigital