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mostly in bunches however they had thierry hair down some of the time

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

they had long plats

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Q: Childrens hairstyles in World War 2?
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What was the immediate effect of World War 2 and how did it affect the childrens of World War 2 veterans?

There dads were different and they were not accepted with normal society.

What did women look like during World War 2?

They obviously looked just like women do now but they probably had different hairstyles and wore different types of clothes.

In world war 2 why did children have to cut their hair short if they had long hair?

because during World War II, it was considered patriotic to wear short hairstyles, such as the Victory Cut. Short hair symbolised devotion to the war effort, as women factory and military workers were required to have hair above the collar.

How do you wear 2 hairstyles on meez?

Well first, you guys are noobs. Second i will murder everyone in the world!.. ;)

What is the abbreviation for the largest war in which the US forces have fought in?

WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.

Is apocalypse world war 2 and world war 2 are the same?

yes apocalypse world war 2 is the same as world war 2.

Why did the world plunge into World War 2?

A war, known as World War 2.

What were childrens experiences of World War 2?

kids and their mothers where put in refugee camps and mothers had to work and the kids where sad and wanted the war to be over so they could go home

How do you get new clothes and hairstyles on sims 2 pets?

No. There are no new hairstyles or clothes in the Sims 2 Pets. And, you can't get new clothes or hairstyles. Go on Make an account and download custom content!

Was it World War 1 or World War 2 that had to do with Nazis and Germany?

World War 2

What if World War 2 not happened?

the will be no world war 2

Did Erwin Rommel become famous before World War 2 or after World War 2?

After World War 2