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the allies were stronger

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Q: Compare the strength of Allies and Central Powers?
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What advantage did the allies hold over the central powers?

the allies have more militeristic abilities and strength

What way did allies hold an advantage over the central powers?

the allies have more militeristic abilities and strength

In what way did the Allies hold an advantage over the Central powers?

The Allies had greater miltary strength and size.

In what way did the hold an advantage over the central powers?

The Allies had greater miltary strength and size.

In what way did the allies hold advantage over the central powers?

the allies have more militeristic abilities and strength

Compare the Allied Powers and the Central Powers Which spent more money?

Most likely the allied powers did. Since they were gaining more and more countries. The Central Powers were a losing countries and men, so I guess that the Allies spent more than the Central Powers.

Countries of World War I?

there are actually Quite a lot of countries involved in ww1 Great britain (Allies America (Allies, joined in april, 1917) Germany (Central powers) France (Allies) Russia (Allies, left in February 1917 due to Russian Revolution) Turkey (Central powers) Italy (Allies) Romania (Allies) Serbia (Allies Greece (Allies) Austria-Hungary (Central powers) Bosnia (Central powers) Bulgaria (Central powers) British Empire (Allies) Belgium (Allies) Portugal (Allies) hope this helps you :-)

Did the central powers or the allies win in ww1?

The Allies won.

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How did the central powers and allies try to influence American public opinion

Was the Ottoman Empire with the central power or the allies?

central powers

Who were Germany's allies during World War 1?

Germany's allies in the "Central Powers" were:Austria-HungaryOttoman Empire (joined the Central Powers in 1914) (later on became known as Turkey)Bulgaria (joined the Central Powers in 1915)

Which side emerged victorious in the conflict between the WWI Central Powers and Allies?

The Allies emerged victorious in World War I, defeating the Central Powers.