One example: Men of the 1960's were clean shaven and had short hair (called "clean cut" men). Hippies, to show their revolt against the standards of the 1960's, grew long hair and beards. Hippies were often referred to as "Long Hairs!" Example in the 60's: "Hey John, what's that group of men standing out there arguing about ?" Response, "Oh...just a bunch of long hairs." The subject is dropped immediately, not worth discussing any further.
His response was an embargo.
No. He was a hardline Conservative.
Eisenhower developed moderate policies that were forward thinking. They were more progressive than his own deep conservative views.
In response to the Civil War, Melville did not - write a great novel about the Civil War
Preppy style is often associated with a subculture characterized by classic, traditional clothing choices. It places an emphasis on a neat and conservative appearance. It is not typically considered a counter culture, as it doesn't typically oppose mainstream values or norms.
Counter Culture was created in 2005.
The Making of a Counter Culture was created in 1969.
Counter Culture - EP - was created on 2005-11-21.
Over the Counter Culture was created on 2004-08-05.
Counter Culture - 2009 was released on: USA: 28 September 2009
Siren Song of the Counter Culture was created on 2004-08-09.
A counter culture is a culture who's values and norms differ from that of the dominate culture, but instead of living together peacefully like subcultures, they seek to change the dominate culture.
Counter Culture is a bad bad disaster of the 1200's it is based on Marilyn Monroe.
Explain why IT is a business pressure and also an enabler of response activities that counter business pressure?
To stop the spread of Protestantism. The Counter Reformation is a movement of internal renewal as well as a response to the spread of Protestantism.