The B-1 bomber is actually called the B-1 Lancer, and it manufactered by Rockwell. This is a bombing plane which originates in the United States. It was originally developed in the 1960s, but has been through several redesigns since then.
Rationing of foods, medicines, transportation, fuels, and later; aerial bombardments from B-29 Superfortresses. Strained, but persistent in their efforts to support their country in time of war.
The B in B-17 probably means Bomber since that was what it was. Same for the B-24, 25, 26, and 29 There is another question on this site that list the prefixes for all WW2 aircaft. B = bomber P = pursuit F = fighter O = observation etc
Basically if there was a bunker at A and an army at B, B would go on the sides to ambush A, without A noticing. A - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - | | B -- - - - -- - - - - ---
Only the United States has used nuclear weapons in combat, that was the two bombs dropped by B-29s on Japan to end WW2.
Belgium is a country that starts with B.
If country A attacks country B, then A's allies also attack country B, and B's allies all come to the defense of B.
basically a country can control another country by spreading their culture in the foreign country. If country A has a large of effect by the culture and ideas of country B, then we can say that country B controls country A socially.
Belgium is a country that starts with B.
No country ends in the letter b.
A:(river): Amazon B:(country): Brazil
Brazil is a large country in South America. It begins with the letter B.
Brazil is the largest South American country that starts with the letter "B." It is the fifth-largest country in the world by both area and population.
The country that has the letters E, A, R, Z, G, and B is Azerbaijan.