The duties and responsibilities of department of national defense are quite many. The mainly include ensuring public safety and protecting the country against any form of attacks among others.
Nationalism was dangerous in World War I primarily because it was significant in why war broke out in the first place. Through the ideologies that characterize what nationalism is, European countries became ethnocentric in believing that their country was superior to all others and would be victorious against anyone in war.
to capture some island and ignore others.
Sympathizer is someone who shares the feelings and/or the ideas of others ( people, party etc.)
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Autocratic has a negative connotation. It implies someone who makes decisions without considering the input of others.
Self-interest refers to pursuing actions or decisions that primarily benefit oneself. It involves considering personal needs, desires, and well-being when making choices. It is a natural aspect of human behavior and can be balanced with considerations for others in certain situations.
I aim to guide individuals towards considering multiple perspectives, critically evaluating information, and fostering empathy towards others in order to make informed and compassionate decisions.
Acting responsibly means making decisions and taking actions that consider the consequences for oneself, others, and the environment. It involves being accountable for one's choices and behaviors, and fulfilling obligations or duties with integrity and consideration for the well-being of others.
Without principles, individuals lacking a moral sense may struggle to make ethical decisions based on consistent values and beliefs. They may make decisions based on convenience or personal gain rather than considering the impact on others or society. This can lead to unethical behavior and a lack of trust from others.
They are to help others in need.
They are to help others in need.
Respect others.
Being a fair and just person means treating others with equality, respect, and honesty. It involves making decisions based on moral principles and considering the consequences of one's actions on others. Fairness and justice are about providing equal opportunities and upholding the rights of all individuals.
Morally correct refers to actions or decisions that align with ethical principles or values, such as honesty, fairness, and compassion. It involves considering the impact of one's choices on others and acting in a way that upholds integrity and respect for all individuals.
Acting ethically means making decisions and taking actions that align with moral principles and values that are considered right and just. It involves considering the impact of one's behavior on others and upholding standards of honesty, integrity, and fairness.
This behavior is often associated with selfishness or a lack of empathy. It may indicate a disregard for the well-being of others and a focus primarily on one's own needs or desires without considering the impact on others. It could be seen as lacking moral integrity or ethical conduct.