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When Berlin was falling, Hitler commited suicide, together with his wife, Eva braun.

Eva took a cyanide pill, Hitler shot himself in the head with his sidearm.

They died in the command bunker under the reichstag, Berlin.

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The only one Adolf Hitler killed himself was himself.

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No Hitler Killed himself

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In his underground bunker in Berlin.

Did someone kill Adolf Adolph Hitler?

No, he killed himself.

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kill himself.

What year and date did adolf Hitler kill himself?

On 30 April 1945.

What year did Adolf Hitler kill himself?

Died: 30 April 1945 (suicide)

Why does adolf Hitler kill himself?

Because he was a coward. Plus he had mental issues and drug addictions.

What pill did Adolf Hitler use to kill himself?

He bit into a small glass vial of cyanide, and he also shot himself with a pistol.

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Why did hittler kill him self?

Adolf Hitler killed himself because he did not want to be captured and humiliated by the Allies. His wife also died with him.