In the US Civil War, the death count for American soldiers in total is estimated at between 620,000 to 650,000. In World War II, the US Military death count was approximately 425,000 Plus. So if you mean in terms of US losses, more American soldiers died in the Civil War than in WW2.
If the question involves the total number of people who died, regardless of nationality, then WW2 would have the most, since at least 20 million deaths were caused by WW2.
battle of antetiem American civil war
World War II had the greatest number of casualties caused directly and indirectly by war. The death toll is listed at 84,589,300 for all countries jointly that were involved in the war. The American Civil War had the largest number of United States casualties, listed at 625,000.
the battle of antietam was the bloodiest single day battle of the civil war. hope i helped.
The Union.
The North had more casualties but the south had a greater percentage of the total population killed.
about 650,000 total casualties
The Civil War
battle of antetiem American civil war
the most casualties in a war was the American Civil War with 495,332 deaths and behind it is WW2 with 405,399 deaths.
There were 110,000 killed in civil war!!!! Im positive
Because, all of the casualties were American, on both sides.
World War II was the bloodiest war in the U.S. History.
Compared to what? Total American casualties in WW1 were significantly lower than either WW2 or the US Civil War, and the casualty rate (number of casualties suffered per 100,000 deployed) was lower than most wars Americans fought in during the 1800s. American casualty rates were comparable to (though slightly higher than) British or French rates during the same time period.
World War II had the greatest number of casualties caused directly and indirectly by war. The death toll is listed at 84,589,300 for all countries jointly that were involved in the war. The American Civil War had the largest number of United States casualties, listed at 625,000.
Battle casualties, from both sides (all American), approximately 800,000.
Civil War
Approximately 620,000 casualties.