General Erich Ludendorff lead the German defense at Belleau Wood. The battle took place between June 1 and June 26, 1918.
Hans Frank
Hans and Ida Klee
Imperial Army or Deutsches Heer was the name of combined land and air forces of German empire. it was dissolved in 1919 after German defeat in WW I. Generaloberst Hans von Seeckt was the last commander of Imperial Army. Before him Wilhelm Groener, Paul von Hindenburg and Erich von Falkenhayn also commanded Imperial army during WW I.
yeah duddy
He directed the German defense at Belleau Wood.
General Erich Ludendorff lead the German defense at Belleau Wood. The battle took place between June 1 and June 26, 1918.
Hans Bischoff died in 1960.
Hans Bischoff was born in 1889.
Hans Meinel has written: 'A course in scientific german' -- subject- s -: German language, Technical German
The word for "and" in German is und. Here are a couple of examples in German. Hans und Franz = Hans and Franz; Essen und Trinken = to eat and to drink.
Hans Steinke went by The German Oak.
Hans is the short form of Johannes/Johann (John)
it's German
Hans Poelzig has written: 'Der dramatische Raum, Hans Poelzig' -- subject(s): Exhibitions 'Hans Poelzig in Breslau' -- subject(s): Architecture, Buildings, structures, Exhibitions, German Architecture, German Art
Hans Eichner has written: 'Against the grain' -- subject(s): German literature, History and criticism 'Four German writers'
German equivalents of John are: Johann Johannes Hannes Hans