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Q: Did Hans otto bischoff direct the German at belleau Wood?
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Who was Hans Otto Bischoff?

He directed the German defense at Belleau Wood.

Who directed the German defense at Belleau Wood?

General Erich Ludendorff lead the German defense at Belleau Wood. The battle took place between June 1 and June 26, 1918.

When did Hans Bischoff die?

Hans Bischoff died in 1960.

When was Hans Bischoff born?

Hans Bischoff was born in 1889.

What has the author Hans Meinel written?

Hans Meinel has written: 'A course in scientific german' -- subject- s -: German language, Technical German

What is and in German?

The word for "and" in German is und. Here are a couple of examples in German. Hans und Franz = Hans and Franz; Essen und Trinken = to eat and to drink.

What nicknames did Hans Steinke go by?

Hans Steinke went by The German Oak.

What does Hans mean in German?

Hans is the short form of Johannes/Johann (John)

What was Hans holbein nationality?

it's German

What has the author Hans Poelzig written?

Hans Poelzig has written: 'Der dramatische Raum, Hans Poelzig' -- subject(s): Exhibitions 'Hans Poelzig in Breslau' -- subject(s): Architecture, Buildings, structures, Exhibitions, German Architecture, German Art

What has the author Hans Eichner written?

Hans Eichner has written: 'Against the grain' -- subject(s): German literature, History and criticism 'Four German writers'

What is the German translastion for John?

German equivalents of John are: Johann Johannes Hannes Hans