Question a bit cryptic. Hitler earned 2 medals during the WW I, and those where the iron cross of the 1:st degree and of the 2:nd degree. ---
Hitler didn't have any children.
He received the Iron Cross, second class and the Iron Cross, first class during WW1.
Jesse owens
yes the standard infantry in Europe medals
Battle of the Somme.
He received the Grand cross of the German eagle. it was given to him on his 75th birthday and was created by Hitler.
Not any Olympic medals.
chuck norris hitler the annoying orange
Yes 10 medals
Jesse Owens
None! They have NEVER won any medals! They just can not get the hang of sports.
no the Philippines have not won any medals at the Olympics.
He won the most gold medals at the Berlin Olympics which made Hitler jealous as his levels exceeded those of the Germans.
No, because Hitler did not have any sons, or any children.
Jesse Owens
No, Hitler never had any children.