The only positive impacts I can think of are the massive leap forward in technology during the Third Reich, the establishment of the United Nations, and the establishment of Israel. Other than those unintended benefits, Hitler was a wicked maniacal monster.
Hitler & Eisenhower IMO.
Hitler had a major impact on the world from both a short and long term perspective. In the short term, from 1939 to 1945, Hitler demolished much of Europe via the war he waged on two fronts. He also murdered millions of people, and irreparably scarred millions more.
The positive impact was that there was new countries created and the League of Nations was established to help promote peace. The negative impact was that a generation of Eurpeans were killed or wounded and Dynasties fall in Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia.
His blood type was A.
It had no impact. Hitler planned to invade Russia to gain their land and oil. It did not affect the German populace. The impact would have been on the Military and the war plants because they were busy building up for the invasion called Operation Barbarossa.
He believed that Germans were the superior race of the world and that other races, especially the Jews, were inferior and were actually sub-humans and did not really deserve to live. Hitler's beliefs definitely did not have a positive impact on the world.
yes it did
by this we come to know the outer world.
Hitler probably would have won WWII
If Hitler didn't exist he wouldn't have made an impact of Jews or on the world.
you will have to ask God that one...
Muhammad and Jesus
I would say Adolf Hitler.
Basically, I have one thing to say - Any one / Any religion / anything which tried to force / convert by force and disrespects others belief will only have a negative impact on the world (ancient/modern). This will equate to dictatorship/facism and can be analogous to Adolf Hitler's book of rules.
Hitler & Eisenhower IMO.
Hitler, as you know, commited suicide when he rule over most of Europe was over. Besides the impact that the aftermath of the Holocaust had on the world, his terror was over.