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Hitler had 3 brothers, Gustav, Otto and Edmund, and 2 sisters, Paula and Ida, as well as a step-brother, Alois and a step-sister, Angela.

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Q: Did Hitler have any brothers or sister?
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Did Adolf Hitler have any brothers?

Yes, 2 brothers and 1 sister

Does Hitler have sisters or brothers?

Yes Adolf Hiltler did have a sister Jedsaoso Hitler. Yes Adolf Hiltler did have a sister Jedsaoso Hitler.

Did Hitler have any brothers or sistersHow many brothers or sisters?

Hitler had 3 brothers, Gustav, Otto and Edmund, and 2 sisters, Paula and Ida, as well as a step-brother, Alois and a step-sister, Angela.

Did Hitler have any brothers?

Hitler had 3 brothers, Gustav, Otto and Edmund, and 2 sisters, Paula and Ida, as well as a step-brother, Alois and a step-sister, Angela.

Did Hitler have any brother's and sister's?

Yes, he had 3 brothers, Gustav, Otto and Edmund and 2 sisters, Ida and Paula, as well as a step-brother, Alois and a step-sister, Angela.

What is the name of the sister and brothers of Adolf Hitler?

Hitler had 3 brothers, Gustav, Otto and Edmund, and 2 sisters, Paula and Ida, as well as a step-brother, Alois and a step-sister, Angela.

Did Adolf Hitler have any relatives by the name of Peter Hitler?

No Hitler had 1 sister and 1 brother, His sisters name were Paula Hitler and His brothers name is still a mystery. But when Hitler came into power he made his mom father and sister change there last names burn and picture with Hitler in it. So that when Americans came they couldn't get Hitlers background

How many brothers did Hitler have were they girls or boys?

Hitler had 3 brothers, Gustav, Otto and Edmund, and 2 sisters, Paula and Ida, as well as a step-brother, Alois and a step-sister, Angela. All of Hitler's brothers were boys.

Who stared as the Jonas Brothers sister?

Jonas Brothers haven't any sister.

What did Adolf Hitler's sister and brothers die of?

Mostly old age, although one sister died of an illness after the war.

How many brothers and sisters did Hitler have?

Hitler had 4 siblings who died in childhood, 3 brothers, Gustav, Edmund and Otto, and a sister, Ida. He had one other sister who survived childhood, Paula. He also had a stepbrother, Alois and a step-sister, Angela.

What are Hitler's brothers and sisters called?

Hitler had 3 brothers, Gustav, Otto and Edmund, and 2 sisters, Paula and Ida, as well as a step-brother, Alois and a step-sister, Angela.