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Yes, he watched over streams with her and took her for walks, his wife hated her but Hitler loved Blondi, Blondi and Hitler both died in the bunker.

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Q: Did Hitler play with Blondi
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How did blondi die?

Hitler killed his dog by ordering his physician Werner Haase to use cyanide pills on Blondi. This was shortly before Hitler committed suicide himself. Blondi's puppies were subsequently shot by Hitler's dog-handler Fritz Tornow.

What was the name of Hitlers Pet Dog?

Blondi (1934 - 29 April 1945) was Adolf Hitler's female German Shepherd dog, given to him as a gift in 1941 by Martin Bormann. Blondi stayed with Hitler even after his move to the underground bunker in January 1945 during the Battle of Berlin, and in April 1945, she had a litter of five puppies with Gerdy Troost's German Shepherd, Harras. Hitler named one of the puppies "Wolf", his favourite nickname and the meaning of his own first name, Adolf. By all accounts, Hitler was very fond of Blondi, keeping her by his side and allowing her to sleep in his bedroom in the bunker, an affection not shared by Eva Braun, Hitler's girlfriend, who hated Blondi and was known to kick her under the dining table, according to Hitler's secretary Traudl Junge. Hitler had been given a German Shepherd before, in 1921, during his years of poverty, but he had been forced to lodge the dog elsewhere, although it managed to escape and return to him. Hitler, who adored loyalty and obedience, thereafter developed a great liking for the breed.

Did Hitler have a cat named schnitzel?

Nothing shows he had a cat. There are home movies he made with Eva that show her with a Scotty.

What was Hitler's favorite animal?

He had a soft spot for animals in general, but his favorite was dogs. He had a beautiful German Shepherd named Blondi.

When did Hitler kill his dog?

Hitler did not kill his dog himself, but ordered the cyanide capsules that were for his own suicide be tested on his dog Blondi. She died on April 29, 1945, one day before Hitler died.

Related questions

What was Hitler's dog named?

He had a German Shepherd named Blondi.

Whose dog was called blondi?

Adolf Hitler's dog was called Blondi. She was a German Shepherd that was given to Hitler as a gift in 1941.

What was Blondi's breed?

Blondi was a German Shepherd, famously owned by Adolf Hitler.

To whom did the German shepherd blondi belong?

Adolph Hitler's dog was named Blondi .

How did blondi die?

Hitler killed his dog by ordering his physician Werner Haase to use cyanide pills on Blondi. This was shortly before Hitler committed suicide himself. Blondi's puppies were subsequently shot by Hitler's dog-handler Fritz Tornow.

When did Adolf Hitler get his dog?

Adolf Hitler received his German Shepherd, Blondi, as a gift from Martin Bormann in 1941. Prior to Blondi, Hitler had owned two other German Shepherds, both named Blonda.

Who had a German shepherd dog named Blondi?

It was Adolf Hitler

How did Hitler kill blondi?

Hitler found out that cyanide capsules that were given by Himmler's SS were fake, to verify the capsules' potency he ordered Dr.Haase to try them on his dog, Blondi, the animal died as a result.

How old was Hitler's dog?

If you are asking how old was Hitler's dog, Blondi, when she died, she was 4 years old.

Did blondie die?

Hitler killed his dog by ordering his physician Werner Haase to use cyanide pills on Blondi. This was shortly before Hitler committed suicide himself. Blondi's puppies were subsequently shot by Hitler's dog-handler Fritz Tornow.

Was blondi a nice dog?

Yes she was it was her owner (adolf hitler) who was the mean one!

Did Adolph Hitler own a dashchund?

He owned a German Shepherd named Blondi .