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No, he was against it, but not an active abolitionist.

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Q: Did William T Sherman want slavery?
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Related questions

Why was willian t sherman against slavery?

William T. Sherman was against slavery because he was on the Union side. The Union side was against slavery. When the Confederate side was for slavery. So since Sherman's on the Union side, he was against it.

Who burned atlanta during the civil war?

William Tecumseh Sherman. And to this day, no Southerner will ever name his child Sherman.

What Union General bacame famous for his march of destruction through Georgia?

It was William T. Sherman.

Who was William T Sherman's?

William T. Sherman was a great war general;also known as Burnin Sherman.

Was William T. sherman union or confederate?

General William T. Sherman was a General for the Union Army.

Where is William T Sherman buried?

General William T. Sherman is buried in Calvary Cemetery, St. Louis, Missouri

Who said War is hell in the Civil War?

general. William T. Sherman of the u.s. army

Who lead march to the sea?

General Sherman

What side was William t Sherman?

He was on the union

Who burn Atlanta?

William T. Sherman

What did William T Sherman do in Georgia?

have sex

What was William T Sherman's weakness?
