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Q: Did all Virginia colonist fight against the English in the revolutionary war?
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Who did the colonist fight against the American revolution?

The English.

Who led a war campaign against the Native Americans in Virginia?

The war campaign against Native Americans in Virginia was led by English colonist Nathaniel Bacon in 1676. This conflict, known as Bacon's Rebellion, was primarily waged against the Powhatan peoples in response to their perceived mistreatment of English colonists and lack of protection from the colonial government.

Who was a French aristocrat who fought with the American colonist against the British in the American revolutionary?

Englands lord north is remembered in his history as

What claim gave cause for English colonist in north America to start discussions of revolution?

when North American started to revolvet against the rule of English colonist in there own country.

Most vocal colonist against the Stamp Act of 1765?

Patrick Henry was the most outspoken colonist against the Stamp Act of 1765. Patrick Henry was a U.S. Founding Father, and twice served as Governor of Virginia.

The colonial revolt against control by the English government?

Revolutionary War

What were the British disadvanteges during the Revolutionary War?

Some of Britains disadvanteges well for one colonist did have a chance of beating them. And many people turned against them.

Who was the most famous american during the Revolutionary War?

General Washington because he led the colonist to many great victory's against. he also was the leader of the continental army.

This is an outline of colonial grievances against England which listed reasons why the colonist wanted to be free from the English control?

the declaration of independence

Who wrote Virginia Resolutions in 1765?

The Virginia Resolutions of 1765 were an early step in the American revolutionary process against the taxation of the colonies from the King. They were written by a young Patrick Henry, who also presented the radical ideas to the Virginia legislature.

How did the US achieve their independence?

The Colonials fought a Revolutionary war against the English, and with the aid of countries such as France, Spain and the Netherlands, they won.

How did the US achieve independence?

The Colonials fought a Revolutionary war against the English, and with the aid of countries such as France, Spain and the Netherlands, they won.