The native Americans were given guns, so they could easily decimate settlers
The American Civil War was very successful. Abraham Lincoln's goal was to end slavery and unite the country together. The Civil War accomplished both those goals!
CHURCHES !! (31409)
Americans lived
It became legal after the Civil War for African Americans to be able to read.
dogs humping a child
To most African Americans the Civil War was a way to become free from slavery. After the Civil War blacks would no longer have to be in slavery, and this is why many African Americans signed up to fight for the Union army. They found this war as an opportunity to have rights, and become a citizen. African Americans fought to show that they did have loyalty to the North.
Hispanic Americans
The Civil Rights Movement was a movement created by the African Americans to become equal. This included equal rights in employment and housing.
The point of the civil war was to be free from Britain and become their own state.When the british lost us americans were free from the British :)
It wasn't that unique. Francis Marion (the Swamp Fox) was successful during the American Revolutionary War; Quantrill was successful during the American Civil War (US Civil War) two examples. Nearly all wars have had and will continue to have some sort of "guerrilla" warfare.
Civil unions are not recognized in Florida, as of 2014.
Florida contributed goods and troops to the Civil War. About 5000 troops from Florida joined the Confederacy in the Civil War.
The native Americans were given guns, so they could easily decimate settlers
Civil War officers Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Harrison, and McKinley all went on to become Presidents of the United States.