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Certainly--some died in battle and are listed on the official casualty list.

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Q: Did any Morales's fight in the Vietnam War?
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Did Elvis fight in Vietnam?

No he was drafted into the Vietnam war. On March 24th he was inducted into the us

What was true about the end of the Vietnam War?

At the end of the Vietnam War, Congress refused to support South Vietnam any longer.

Why did protesters oppose the Vietnam War?

Because they wanted peace and did not think that we had any business being in Vietnam and they didn't seem to care what our men were having to deal with over there.

In what country did Americans fight a war in the late 1960's and early 1970's?

In Vietnam, with action extended into Laos and Cambodia. It was know as the Vietnam War. But it turns out that this military activity was designated as "a police action" and the U.S. was not at war with any of the countries where America was fighting.

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Did Bob Marley fight in the Vietnam war?

No he was a beatle the beatles didnt fight in any wars, but there was a navy man named john lennon in the war

Did the us fight in any war?

Yes they did, revolutionary, civil, vietnam, korea, WWI, WWII, First Gulf, Second gulf, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Canada (War of 1812), and more.

Did George Bush fight in wars?

No. George W. Bush was eligible for service during the Vietnam War. He did sign up for the Texas Air National Guard, and he spent his time in the military guarding Texas' airspace while other men and women went overseas to fight in Vietnam. He was in the military, but he was never sent overseas.

What did the Black Panther's think about the Vietnam War?

The Black Panther Party was against the Vietnam War. In fact, they even demanded that African Americans be exempt from military and army service because their war was not the government's war. It didnt make any sense to send colored people to war to fight other colored people.

Was Vietnam actually a war?

No. Congress never actually declared war. It is officially a CONFLICT, bu if you ask someone who was there, it was a war.

How does the battle of long tan relate to the cold war?

It doesn't relate to the cold war anymore than any other Viet War battle. Long Tan was simply Australia's first big fight in Vietnam.

Was there any kids in the Vietnam war?

yes there were