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The confederate army ran out of supplies because they did not have the proper supply lines set up. Even when the supply lines were able to be used, they did not have enough supplies for all of their troops.

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10y ago
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16y ago

A major portion of goods imported to the Southern states were from Europe. Part of the strategy used by Union forces was to block trade to these states. Without the imported items the south was without many essentials.

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14y ago

Confederate soldiers usually received a ration of bacon, corn meal, tea, sugar and/or molasses, and fresh vegetables when they were available. "Johnnie Cake," which is a type of cornbread was a favorite of the Confederate soldier.

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10y ago

Citizens of the south suffered food shortages during the civil war because of the difficulties of planting, and harvesting crops. Many of those who normally did these jobs were away fighting the war. Fields were neglected, and this led to the food shortage.

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13y ago

Because there was alot of people hiding in that house and they could not get food because they could not get caught.

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13y ago

The soldiers mainly ate tack, a hard, dry piece of bread. They also ate dried meat.

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16y ago

no they didn't

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With a bugle - if they were lucky enough to get any sleep, that is.

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Women supported the Civil War by helping as nurses or by making food for the soldiers.

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Yes, soldiers fought in the Civil War. Sadly, that is the fact of war.

War that affect soldiers and civilians in the civil war?

Food is a necessity of life, can't live without it. Soldiers were issued food (rations), civilians had to sell what they had in order to eat. Or steal it.

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peace, food, rest

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Civil War Soldiers Museum was created in 1991.

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The same as white soldiers, to shoot and be shot at.

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What is Union Hardtack?

it was a very hard bread that the soldiers of civil war ate when they had no other food!