The Cuban Missile Crisis was resolved by Soviet withdrawal. The Korean War was resolved by an Armistice. The Vietnam War was resolved by a communist victory.
They would either back down, as during the Cuban Missile Crisis; or fight a limited war (Limited to conventional weapons) such as the Korean War and the Vietnam War.
The two major players in the Cold War were the US and the Soviet Union. These two nations did not have battles or real wars during the Cold War years. Other conflicts among smaller communist nations, and a large one, China, were related to the Cold War. Wars in Korea and Vietnam can be considered wars with roots in the Cold War.
durin the cold war the three nations that got divided were Korea,Vietnam and,Germany
United Nations.
A cold war or cold warfare is a state of conflict between nations that does not involve direct military action but is pursued primarily through economic and political actions, propaganda, acts of espionage or proxy wars waged by surrogates. The surrogates are typically states that are "satellites" of the conflicting nations, i.e., nations allied to them or under their political influence. Opponents in a cold war will often provide economic or military aid, such as weapons, tactical support or military advisors, to lesser nations involved in conflicts with the opposing country. There were numerous non-atomic wars during the Cold War, such as Vietnam, but the one that got everyone's attention was the threat of atomic warfare.
They would either back down, as during the Cuban Missile Crisis; or fight a limited war (Limited to conventional weapons) such as the Korean War and the Vietnam War.
As a communist nation, China became part of the global communist alliance lead by the USSR. Western nations were in conflict with the communist bloc during the Cold War.
The two major players in the Cold War were the US and the Soviet Union. These two nations did not have battles or real wars during the Cold War years. Other conflicts among smaller communist nations, and a large one, China, were related to the Cold War. Wars in Korea and Vietnam can be considered wars with roots in the Cold War.
durin the cold war the three nations that got divided were Korea,Vietnam and,Germany
The Cold War
United Nations.
Soviet Bloc nations did not receive any economic aid.
Soviet Bloc nations did not receive any economic aid.
A Cold War is a war without open military conflict between two or more nations which includes spying, sabotage, and economic and political brinksmanship designed to bring the opposing nation(s) to submission or failure. A Proxy War is a war where the nations in military conflict are being directly and often primarily funded by greater nations who are often in a cold war against each other. This allows for military conquest without the need to send one's own troops into battle. The US and the USSR used this strategy in nations around the world during their cold war. This was done most notably in South and Central America and The Middle East.
Communist China during the Korean War .
The UN was totally useless at preventing conflict.