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Yes, and sometimes even multiple men would sleep in one tent, with one blanket

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Q: Did people in the civil war get sleep?
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did the woman get any sleep in theamerican civil war

Where did soilders sleep during the civil war?

They would sleep in these camping tents

When did civil war soldiers sleep?

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The were many people in the civil war.

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Where did soldiers sleep during the English Civil War?

on a bed

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What type of shelter did a civil war soldier sleep in?

They slept in tents

How long did the soldiers in the civil war sleep?

They slept for about 4 hour

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It depends which civil war

How many people where in the civil war?

3.5 to 4 million people where in the civil war

What is a war called that is fought among people who live in the same country?

A war among people who live in the same country is a civil war.