All the Nazi concentration camps (except for a few very early ones in 1933-34) had high voltage fences.
In the context of the Holocaust an Aufseherin was a female concentration or death camp guard.
Paolo did die in the holocaust in a concentration camp in Germany called Ravens Brubeck in December 30, 1944
Contact the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum at the link below. They would have the map of that camp or can tell you how to obtain one.
You need to say which camp.
When Hitler gained he enforced strict laws on Jews that just kept getting harsher and harsher. Ghettos were usally a sectioned of area in a major city suronded by barbed wire fences and gaurded by Nazis. Ghettos were the place were all the Jews and other undesireables being persecuted by Hitler were sent. These places were impoverished and filthy. People lived and worked in the ghettos but many were forced to do cruel jobs ebforced by the Nazis. When the ghettos got to full the Jews were rounded up and sent to concentration camps. Before the Jews were sent to the concentration camps they were sent to transit camps. Transit camps were where Jews stayed until they were sent to the concentration camp. It was sort of a sorting ground like some may have been sent to Auschwitz well others were sent to Birkenau. Transit camps were similar to concentration camps but the conditions were significanty better. To learn more about this topic and the holocaust I encourage you to visit United States Holocaust Memorial Museum at
The first Concentration Camp was the Holocaust
All the camps had electric fences.
You need to specify which camp.
During the Holocaust, Dachau was a Concentration Camp.
Dachau concentration camp. It opened in May 1939
concentration camps
It was auscwhitz in poland
Type your answer here... what were the systems of persecution in the holocaust? _ The concentration camp system.
Andreas Weigelt has written: '\\' 'Judenmord im Reichsgebiet' -- subject(s): Sachsenhausen (Concentration camp), Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945), Holocaust victimes, Lieberose (Concentration camp), Holocaust victims
Buchenwald, though initially it was called Ettersberg (for a couple of weeks or so).
They were killed by other nations.