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Yes, the selective service act was very popular and included all young men above a certain age and it allowed the men to select the branch of the military in which they would serve.

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Q: Did the The Selective Service Act was very popular it included all young men above a certain age and it allowed the men to select the branch of the military in which they would serve?
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selective service law

What was Hillary Clinton's selective service status during the Vietnam war?

Women have never been required - or allowed - to register for Selective Service.

Who is allowed to serve in the military in Germany?

Anyone 18 or over. Military service is required for males when they turn 18. They are allowed to do civil service if they do not wish to serve in the military but this takes longer. Women are not required to serve.

What act drafted American men into the military during World War 1?

I believe it was the militia act. It also allowed them to use African American soldiers.

How selective service system help whit the effor of world war 2?

The selective service system allowed the Armed forces to control the amount of men and women according to a schedule. It was too difficult to accept millions of men joining all at once and to get them trained. By doing the selective service method they could bring in a certain amount according to the training schedules.

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That is when a person is allowed not to serve in a draft for some reason. They were “deferred “.

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US Navy-Women Allowed to Volunteer for Emergency Service WAVES-Women Allowed to Volunteer for Emergency Service in the US Navy.

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Service Dogs are either rescued from animal shelters or bred in selective breeding Service Dogs can be identified by either a jacket, backpack or harness.

Did the government only allowed white males to serve in the military during World War 2?

No other ethnic groups were allowed into service.

Are Freemasons allowed in the military?

Freemasons are allowed in the military.

Can you serve in the military with a heart transplant?

The military is not going to let you join up if you have had a major organ transplant. If you were in the military at the time, it might be accepted, I know that kidney transplants are allowed to continue service.

How did the President get enough solders to go to Europe to fight for the Allied Powers?

It was called the Draft. The Selective Service Act allowed the government to draft the numbers needed to fill the ranks.