

Did the US really bomb Japan?

Updated: 8/19/2023
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12y ago

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Yes, The Untited States really bombed Japan. In 1945, the US dropped two atomic bombs. The first atomic bomb hit a little boy named Hiroshima, while the second hit a fat man named Nagasaki. The only reason they did this was because a few years before this incident, Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Causing the United States to join World War Two (WW2).

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The USA drooped bombs on Japan in retaliation to there unprovoked preemptive strike on Pearl Harbor...

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US bombed Japan?

yes we did bomb japan bechase it was the only axis state who has not surrenderd yet until 1945 personly i feel bad about it and i think it was really really really ruthless what the US did

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The US dropped the atomic bomb onto Japan on August 1945.

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The first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan ; another on Nagasaki, Japan, 3 days later.

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The US dropped the atomic bomb (the little boy) on japan, on the 6th of august in 1945.

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The us had stopped trade with japan. Also us was helping great Britain