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Q: Did the collapse of the German economy led to the German surrender in World War 1?
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What The collapse of the German allies led to the German surrender in World War 1?


What factors to the German surrender?

Factors that led to the German surrender in World War II was the near total annihilation of the their military ability. There was essentially no recourse other than unconditional surrender.

What factors led to the German surrender?

Factors that led to the German surrender in World War II was the near total annihilation of the their military ability. There was essentially no recourse other than unconditional surrender.

When did Germany surrender in the World War 2?

German Armed forces officially surrendered to Allied troops on May 8, 1945. General Alfred Jodl signed the instrument of surrender for the German military.

What was Hitler planning to help the German economy?

Controling the world's economy and resources, and basically reforming the government.

How did World War 2 affect German economy?

it was just dumb

An important condition of the armistice that ended World War 1 was?

the German surrender of its weapons and most of its navy.

How did the German feels about the Holocaust?

It depends. A lot of them agreed with Hitler because it is within our nature to blame someone-the Germans blamed the Jews for economic problems. However a few thought it was unfair to blame a religious group for the collapse of the world economy.

What events from World War 1 contributed to World War 2?

Treaty of Versialles where German lost lots of terretories. German job loss. German embarassment. Reparitions - German economy depressed, war debt repayments resulted in an unstable economy, German people looked for an alternative, stong leader.

How was the allies strategy toward Germany after world war 1 different from the strategy after world war 2?

Allied punishments weakened the German Economy after World War 1, while Allies helped revive the German economy after World War 2.

Why did the US economy collapse in 1920?

The United States economy was in recession due to the spending of World War I during the 1920s. This caused the Depression where there was a decline in real products.

Why did economists against the harshness of the treaty of the Versailles?

They feared that the world's economy would collapse if Germany could not repay its war debts.