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well of course is delayed it because of all the pigs that were fying from mars.

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Q: Did the compromises of 1820 and 1850 delay or speed up the civil war?
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How was the controversy that led to the Civil War related to the concept of federalism?

The federalist party was dead before the Civil War started, it died down in 1820, the civil war started in 1861.

Which territories were affected by the compromise of 1850 and how?

The Missouri Compromise of 1850 affected Kansas & Nebraska territories. The Compromise was an extension of the one made in 1820. The idea behind the compromises was to maintain the balance of free states and slave states. Now the statehood of Kansas & Nebraska came into the mix. The consensus of Congress was that left to themselves, the people of Kansas would follow the lead of Missouri and vote to become a slave state. Also, that the people of Nebraska would vote for a "free state". Later events, such as a major conflict in Kansas & the soon to come Civil War would send the compromises into a free fall.

Is an example of a claim that a historian might make about the American civil war?

Answer this question… Former slaves fighting in the Union army were essential to several Northern victories.

What legislation said that no other state north of an established boundary could enter the Union as a slave state?

The Missouri Compromise (1820)

What was the currency in 1820 in the new world before the civil war?

ANSWER:During the 1820's the government of the United States printed currency, as it does today. It was good, and was accepted in every state.But, with the American Civil War, the United State continued to print currency, but, the Confederate States of America decided to print their own currency. This being the fact, that they were no longer part of the Union.However, over a period of time, the Confederate currency would not be worth the paper it was printed on, and United States currency would be hard to come by in the South.

Related questions

What are 5 compromises and laws passed aimed at avoiding the civil war?

Missouri Compromise of 1820 Compromise of 1850 (including Fugitive Slave Act) Kansas-Nebraska Act Crittenden Compromise

What compromises did the north and south reach?

The compromises that the Northern and Southern states reached were the Great Compromise and the Three-Fifths Compromise.~A.K. =)

What was Henry Clay known as?

He got the nickname of the Great Compromiser for work in engineering the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and his efforts to effect later compromises to prevent civil war. He was called the Great Pacificator for similar reasons.

Was theMissouri Compromise long-term effect of the plan to delay the Civil War or hasten the Civil War?

The Misouri Compromise of 1820 delayed the Civil War for a generation. It was undone by the Compromise of 1850, and barely ten years after the end of the Missouri Compromise disunion and war came.

Why did the democrats praise the legislative compromises of the early 1850s?

Not only the Democrats, but all parties to the Missouri Compromises were in favor of the two compromises. Of course there is always a group of people who opposed them. The two compromises were in 1820 and 1850. The purposes of the compromises was to keep the number of free states and slave states equal. The 1820 Missouri Compromise was the work of Henry Clay was the Senator that helped make the Compromise a reality. This compromise worked. Later in 1850, when national figure, Democrat Stephen A. Douglas, put through the second Missouri Compromise. He was a prominent national Democrat.

What was the purpose of the of the The Missouri Compromise?

There were two Missouri Compromises. They were created in 1820 and 1850. Both of them were reached in order to maintain a balance between States that had abolished slavery and those States were slavery still existed. The compromises served and had a noble purpose. They were not made to in effect to justify slavery. The purpose of both of them was to avoid a serious conflict among the States. When seen in that light, the compromises delayed a civil war in the United States.

What was the Missouri compromise of 1820 and what issue did it reveal in American politics?

There were two Missouri Compromises. One in 1820 and the second one in 1850. What it mainly revealed was that compromises were and still are the framework in which legislation is passed between opposing points of view.

What was the plan that preserved the balance between slave and free states and in the senate?

A series of compromises, starting with the Missouri Compromise of 1820.

When did dorthea dix become a nurse in the civil war?

in 1820

The Age of Reform 1820-1840?

The Age of Reform was during the years of 1820 to 1840. This was a time period between the Revolution and the Civil War.

What rights did slaves have in the South after 1820?

By definition, a slave has no rights. This was certainly true in the South from 1820 (and long before) until emancipation at the end of the Civil War.

What year did the mason Dixon line take place prior to the civil war?

In the year 1820.