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No. They stayed at home helping on the home front.

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Q: Did women fight in world war 1?
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What was life like for women during the World War 1?

In World War I, as men left their jobs to fight overseas, women had know chose but to replace them.

What were women's rights and freedoms in Australia during World War 1?

women had no rights in the eyes of the government they were worthless as the gov. said were powerless and had no rights to fight in the war so they made it a law the women could not fight in the war

Did black soldiers fight in World War 1?

Yes, Black Soldiers did fight in World War 1

Did Adolf Hitler fight in World War I?

He did fight in World War 1 and was injured in action.

Why did women have to go to work during World War 1?

Many of the able bodied men had to go fight in the war. Someone had to make the war materials.

Who worked while people went to fight in World War 1?

Women took over most of the jobs that men had.

Did men and women fight in World War I?

Men have always fought in wars but US Women did not fight in World War 1 or World War 2 or Vietnam war. There are a few women who are allowed to be in the infantry and help fight in skirmishes in Iraq now. But, the military is rethinking the wisdom of allowing them to fight. They are having problems with it. ___ During WW1 men fought. It was simply how it was. Men and women had very rigid roles. Women acted in a support capacity or as nurses.

What did women do in World War I that is about World War 1?

in WW1 (world war 1) women were making food in factory and weapons for the solders

In which war did the anzacs fight?

world war 1

What war does Truman fight in?

World War 1