

Best Answer

cuz Germany SUKED!!!!!!! THEY HAD SCREWING HITLER!!!!!!!!!!!! :(:(:(:(:(

... *sigh*

Regards the above answer. Germany did not lose WW1 because of Hitler. He was in the German Army at the time, but was in power during the second world war.

Way to generalize all of Germany by shouting 'Hitler' at us.

The German people were tired of the stalemate,the massive loss of life and the hardships from the cutbacks at home to supply the army.. Also the war was bankrupting the country. So the populace pressured the government to capitulate. These were the main causes the Germans surrendered. On the battlefield it is arguable to say they were holding their own.

Hitler and a lot of the hardcore soldiers blamed the Jews and the Communists for forcing the capitulation.

FYI Hitler was a decorated soldier winning the Iron Cross twice.Ironically it was Jewish officers that recommended him for the honor!

What Germany lost was pride. They were limited to how large a standing army they could have, how many aircraft, size of ships, returning land they captured and paying reparations to the Allies.

When Germany,under Hitler, defeated France at the onset of WWII they forced the French to sign the instrument of surrender at the same place and in the same rail car as the surrender papers Germany signed ending WWI

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