Children were also put up for adoption during Vietnam (as was I). There are trama's of war, that likely scare the parents themselves, even if they are still alive, and in my case, my parents did not trust themselves.
yes they were used for food and to scare off unwanted predators
Because they are mad or they are a bully. Sometimes they say that to just scare you.
The communist revolution in russia in 1917
Monsters scare little kids because they're strange and annoying.
Not that I know of. But nothing bad has happen to me. It works very good
scare it But don't scare it too bad.
To scare little kids
red scare very importnat.
if a bad cime is going to happen it might be one of our people so keep your kids safe and wach out and wach your kids they they may run in the road or get kidnapen YOU DONT NO WHEN SOMETHING BAD WILL HAPPEN TO YOUR FAMLIY and someone in your famliy might do or not do a cime or they might get kill if they happen to any of our people I'm so sorry-mormor122 PS. so keep your famliy safe as can be
Maybe they do it becaues something bad in their childhood was really bad.So they could think the same thing should happen to other kids.
surprise. surprise-good feelings, scare-bad feelings
Casper's Scare School - video game - happened in 2008.
Some were afraid of the legends, saying that their kids might overthrow them, kill them, do something bad, etc. The Ancient people were just simply afraid that something bad might happen.
Yes, if you are scaring them intentionally.