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Q: During World War 1 about how many people were wounded?
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During World War I, about how many people were wounded?


During world world 1 about how many people were wounded?

21 million

How many people died during Wold War 1?

About 17,000,000 people died during World War I. An additional 22,000,000 were wounded.

How many Americans were wounded in World War 2?

There were 670,846 U.S. service people wounded in WWII

How many people were hospitalized in Pearl Harbor?

Over 1,500 people were wounded during the attack.

How many people was wounded in World War 1?

21 million

How many people got wounded in world war 2?


How many people died in Hawaii during the world war 2?

If you mean Pearl Harbor, 2,403 Americans were killed and 1,178 others were wounded.

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How many people were wounded in the civil war?

in the union 275,175 people were wounded & in the South wounded people were 194,026

How many American soldiers were wounded in Europe during World War 2?

depends what war :) haha

How many American soldiers were wounded in World War 1?

About 21,228,000 military personel wounded in total.