The nurse was loved for her buxom figure.
The Buxom Country Lass - 1914 was released on: USA: 31 August 1914
Buxom Babes - 2006 V is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:16
"Bonaire and buxom" used to be found in the Tudor version of marriage vows, and meant to be cheerful, lively and obedient.
Because I am a useless noob, I went on wiki.answers to help me to find a sentence with buxom!There you go, a sentence!! -.-:P
What do >I< say about cute buxom girls?boys are hot and they say there sexy and i agree so much so lets talk about kissing.
Betty. White
A buxom woman is a voluptuous woman. Definitely not a woman who has sharp edges. She is a curvy, big bosomed women. This is not to say she is fat. She is not fat, but she would never be considered skinny by today's anorexic look. Buxom movie stars of the 40's and 50's Marilyn Monroe, Jane Russell, actually Betty Davis was but they made her strap down her bosom.
The cast of The Buxom Country Lass - 1914 includes: Arthur Housman as Darby Jenks William Wadsworth as Wood B. Wedd Cora Williams as Fanny Merritt
The likely word is pulchritudinous, meaning buxom (having a prominent bosom).
Marilyn Monroe
In Baroque painting Women were supposed to be buxom. The one most often mentioned in this connection was Rubens, the Flemish painter. There might have been several Italians, but only Veronese comes to my mind.