The White Spade stood for the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment. A tactical marking to assist in the assembly of troops on the D.Z. Each unit in the 101st Airborne Division had a tactical marking on the side of it's helmet.
Richard V. Horrell WW 2
This was the symbol for the 506th PIR-parachute infantry Regiment.
Q: What could the d in squad stand for?Question is not clear. Do you mean was there a "Squad D"?AnswerAn US Infantry Regiment was divided into 3 battalions, each containing 4 Companies. These 12 companies were labeled by Letters: Company A, Company B...Company D was the fourth company and would be in the 1st Battalion. The 4th company of each battalion was a Heavy Weapons Company, meaning they were armed not with rifles & light machine guns BUT with mortars, and heavy .50 caliber machine guns.An infantry company is divided into Platoons and these were divided into Squads. There was no such thing as a "Squad D".
The 13 stars stand for the 13 colonies
Custer's Last Stand-up was created in 2001.
it stand for Association Of Community Organizations For Reform Now
During world war two what did the abbreviation "GI" stand for???
During WWII, the spade symbol was painted on helmets. In this sense, they were used to symbolize good luck to the people who wore them.
It can mean several things actually, for example it can be a reference to an asian gang or in russian prisons it can stand for a thief as a career. It just depends on the scenario really
It's for display and it has a stand that you can fit 2-3 games in and then just put the helmet on top.
academic achievements
Maybe jt means Greenbay
i am pretty sure it stands for steelers..
The G on the Packers helmet stands for greatness. In 1961 George Brashier, the packers eqiupment manager, created it.
You cannot plume helmets in runescape. But you can use a full helmet with a herald stand in your Player Owned House, and there are treasure trail rewards with different coloured plumes.
The emblem on the helmet is the old US Steel corporate emblem. The only difference is that where it now says 'Steelers' it used to just say 'Steel'.
It stands for "GREATNESS".