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During the 19th Century Austria-Hungary saw the Balkans as a way of strengthening its domination of south-eastern Europe; Russia saw its support for the Slavs as a means of diverting attention from problems at home while at the same time moving towards securing control of the straits; the Balkan nationalists, under the leadership of Serbia, were determined to achieve some form of independence and unity. This is one of the reasons in which World War one was ignited.

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13y ago
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9y ago

The Balkan crisis took place in 1914 and eventually led to World War I. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand led to a standoff between Austria-Hungary and Serbia and their respective allies.

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12y ago

The Balkans has many, many different ethnic groups and in the early 1900s, land claims overlapped, empires were taking over some places and there were so many different conflicts it wouldn;t take much to send the Balkans to war.

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12y ago

because croatians began to kill and push out serbian families who were minority there, ustashe right wing regime began to gain more and more power there, and then in bosnia croatians and bosnians attacked each other and then serbs were involved in a fight there too. Because every one of us wanted a share of bosnian territory, so far it's divided in three parts, bosnian Muslim, croatian and serbian part, with Serbs holding the bigger percent of the territory. They won it in war. Man you gotta understand. On the balkans all nations hate each other. It's messed up place. Serbia hates Croatia, bosnian and albanian Muslims, croats hate serbs, montenegrins, slovenians and bosnians, blaming them bosnians for the massacre of herzegovina croats. bosniaks hate serbs, montenegrins and croats (in this case bosnians blame croats). slovenians hate Croatia, having some troubles with the piece of land. macedonians (fyrom) hate Greece, Serbia, Albania and Bulgaria, again because of the land, and rough parts of balkan history. Albania hates Serbia, fyrom, Greece and Montenegro, Greece hates Albania and fyrom, Bulgaria hates fyrom, Greece, Romania and Serbia... romanians hate bulgarians and Turks, Turks hate them and Serbia. hungarians hate serbs and slovenians and romanians and in reverse. All in all. Balkan is a land of HATE, where everybody are happy only when something bad happens to the other neighbour. Sad, but true. And this hate lasts since the middle ages. It's too long. Will it end one day?

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4y ago

El número de inmigrantes que siguen rutas irregulares desde África a Europa es solo una fracción de lo que era en los últimos años. Sin embargo, el aumento este año del número de personas que tienen la ruta Marruecos-España significa que ahora se ha convertido en el principal punto de entrada a Europa para los inmigrantes del África subsahariana, aunque los marroquíes también representan una proporción considerable de las entradas . Marruecos y España han tratado de fortalecer lo que ha sido durante mucho tiempo en una estrecha relación de trabajo, incluyendo la reciente defensa de España para que Marruecos reciba un mayor apoyo de la Unión Europea.

La amplia cooperación de los dos países abarca los lazos comerciales, la cooperación para el desarrollo y el surgimiento de una importante comunidad marroquí en España. Un ingrediente importante en esto fue la regularización de millas de inmigrantes en España en los años 90 y en el 2000, incluyendo 570,000 inmigrantes en 2005, muchos de los cuales eran marroquíes. España también continúa con una cierta cantidad de migración circular legal, dando algunos marroquíes la oportunidad de trabajar legalmente en España, aunque bajo condiciones bastante estrictas. Marruecos, a su vez, acepta el regreso de los inmigrantes adultos marroquíes que ingresan a España por rutas irregulares.

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Q: Explain why the Balkan crisis that ignited world war 1?
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Explain why the balkan crisis that ignited world war 1 did not remain a localized dispute?

The political climate of pre-World War I Europe saw a lot of diplomatic alliances being formed. So when Serbia and Austria-Hungary clashed, these alliances were called into action, and all of Europe was suddenly at war.

How did the Balkan crisis help cause World War 1?

because he wanted to.

To what extent were the balkan crisis the cause of World War 1?

they led to the assassination of archduke franz Ferdinand

What is the Balkan Crisis of 1908?

The Balkan Crisis of 1908 was the Annexation of Bosnia by Austria-Hungary despite the vocal complaints from the Serbs who wanted the territory with its 3 million Serbs. Prelude to World War 1 and assassination of Archduke to start WW1. Also responsible for having Serbia join the Balkan League to fight Turkey in the 1st Balkan War.

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* The Balkan Crisis * Alliances * Arms race * Militarism * Imperialism * Nationalism

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Aral Balkan is an entrepreneur and an advocate for democracy. Balkan is part of the tech world, and is the creator of Indie Phone.

What is Balkan nationalism?

Balkan nationalism refers to the desire of the various ethnic groups living on the Balkan Peninsula to have countries of their own. Balkan nationalism led to World War 1.

What three things have played a role in starting World War 1?

The murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was very very important. There was also the balkan problem Then there was the tangier crisis and the agadir crisis. Also the different countries kept on making different alliences which made the other countries feel threatened.

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nationalism in Balkan helped contribute to the outbreak of world war 1(WW1).

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nationalism in Balkan helped contribute to the outbreak of world war 1(WW1).

How did Balkan nationalism nationalism contribute to the decline of the Ottoman Empire?

nationalism in Balkan helped contribute to the outbreak of world war 1(WW1).

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The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Treaties in Europe triggered many countries to enter the war therefor causing a World War. check out