Ah, what a delightful question! Fish are to creel as strawberries are to basket. Both are ways to gather and enjoy nature's bountiful gifts. Just imagine the vibrant colors and fresh scents as you fill your basket with juicy strawberries, bringing a smile to your face and warmth to your heart.
The analogy presented here is comparing fish to creel, which is a container used for carrying fish, with strawberries. The analogous term for strawberries would be a basket or a punnet, as both are containers commonly used for carrying strawberries. Therefore, the relationship between fish and creel is analogous to strawberries and a basket/punnet in terms of being a pairing of an object and its container.
George Creel
George Creel.
George Creel was in charge of the Committee on Public Information. It was create to distribute propaganda throughout the US that encouraged Anti-German sentiment.
George Creel
George Creel headed the CPI in World War 1.
If you can guess how many fish are in my creel, you can have them BOTH! Is that a new creel? Drop that creel, angler!
It's a basket that holds the fish that a fisherman/woman decide to keep and is called a Creel.
In a fishing context, a creel is a type of basket typically used to hold the catch of fish. So, in a creel, you would expect to find fish that have been caught while fishing.
If you can guess how many fish I have in my creel, you can have them BOTH!The word creel is originally Scottish, of unknown origin.Is that a lobster creel floating on the surface over there?
Creel fish are opportunistic feeders and will eat a variety of prey including small fish, crustaceans, and mollusks. They are known to consume shrimp, crabs, squid, and small fish. Creel are bottom-dwelling fish and use their barbels to root around in the sand or mud for food.
A fisherman's wicker basket is called a creel.
a wicker basket for freshwater fish that have been caught