There were way more then 5 battles during World War 2. Battle for Britain, Battle of the Bulge, Stalingrad, Battle for Berlin, Battle for Moscow, Iwo jima, Okinawa, Midway Just to name a few.
Kursk, el Alamein, Monte Cassino, the Falaise Pocket, Guadalcanal, the Battle of the Atlantic.... there are more....
The Battle of Midway, The Battle of Okinawa, The Battle of the Bulge, The Battle of Stalingrad are the 4 major battles of World War 2.
Assigning importance or precedence to historical battles is somewhat touchy, since each nation had their own ideas of "importance". With that said, the four most pivotal battles might be:
1. The D-Day Invasion at Normandy, France.
2. The Battle of Stalingrad. This was when the German drive against Russia stalled and was reversed.
3. Pearl Harbor; marked the entry of the United States into the war.
4. The Battle of Midway, in which four Japanese aircraft carriers were destroyed in a single aerial engagement and marked the turning point of the Pacific naval war.
Pearl Harbor Coral Sea Midway Guadalcanal Solomon Islands Marianas Tarawa Philippines Okinawa Battle of Britain Normandy(D-Day) Battle of the Bulge Operation Market Garden
The 5 main battles in Europe were * D-Day * The Battle of Britain * The Battle of the Buldge * Stalingrad * Operation Market Garden in Holland
World War 2 Battle of Stalingrad Battle of Britain Battle of the Atlantic Battle for Midway Battle of Leningrad
the Somme, Paschaendale, Mons, Ypres, Arras, Vimy Ridge, Beaumont Hamel are the most significant battles of wwI, but some minor battles were also fought.
it ended in 1918
The First World War was truly a World War. Although most of the battles on the Western Front were fought in Northern France or Southwest Belgium, there were battles in such far off places as North Africa, Turkey, Balkans, India, and the Middle East.
Virginia has had the most battles. The second state is Tennesee
World War 2 Battle of Stalingrad Battle of Britain Battle of the Atlantic Battle for Midway Battle of Leningrad
The four most important battles were Battle of Verdun Battle of The Somme Battle of Ypres And the 1918 Battle of Amiens
the Somme, Paschaendale, Mons, Ypres, Arras, Vimy Ridge, Beaumont Hamel are the most significant battles of wwI, but some minor battles were also fought.
I think maybe Battle of the Bulge might be one of the most important battles in World War 2 because was a big and the bloodiest battles in World War 2.The Germans attacked small areas of the Allies,or at least I have been told.Also I think maybe the battle for the Atlantic that was December 1939-1944 because I believe it was a battle on sea,and it had something to do with German ships sinking,but I could be wrong.I think of any other battles I'll post.
D-day definatly helped the allies win the war. It was one of the most important battles of WW2 D-day definatly helped the allies win the war. It was one of the most important battles of WW2
Verdun was the most important during WWI. There are a lot of towns on the River in northeastern France, just like any river.
Nigeria is a West African country on the Gulf of Guinea. Some of the most important battles involving Nigeria are the Battle of Nsukka, Battle of Ore and the Fall of Esugu.
was most of the major battles of world war 1 fought in Luxembourg ...true or false
The south
Globally - battles were fought all over the world, but most of the battles took place in europe.
The most publicized are the Battles of Midway, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa. The Battle of Imphal in India stopped Japanese expansion towards the middle east. The Battle of the Coral Sea stopped Japanese expansion towards Australia. The Naval Battles around Guadalcanal were the most vicious sea battles in Naval History, and there were a half dozen of them fought around those islands.