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helped former slaves

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They suplied Food, Aid and medicine

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Q: Freedmens bureau after civil war
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What problems did the freedmens bureau help solve?

to provide emergency relief to people displace/wounded in war

Where did the freedmens bureau take place?

the bureau take place in u.s

What were the purposed of the freedmens bureau?

the main purpose of the freedmens bureau was to provide education for the newly freed slaves but also gave out food, clothes and shelter.

What were some activities of Freedmens's Bureau?

I don' know

Which group of people did the freedmens bureau help?


How did the radical republicans respond to president johnsons veto a bill allowing the freedmens bureau to continue its work?

They passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866

What was The agency name given the task of feeding and clothing war refugees in the South using surplus army supplies?

freedmens bureau

How did the radical Republican respond to president Johnsons veto of a bill allowing the freedmens bureau to continue it's work?

They passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866

Was the Freedmens Bureau in the times of Reconstruction?

yes it was during reconstruction times.

What organization provided immediate relief and the educational opportunities after the Civil War in the south for former slaves?

Lincoln established the Freedmens Bureau for this exact purpose. It provided former slaves with education and information. Sadly most of them didnt know about this and fell into sharecropping

How did the radical Republicans respond to president Johnson's veto of a bill allowing the freedmens bureau to continue it's work?

They passed the civil rights act of 1966. Not sure if year is right but they passed the civil rights act.

What types of things did the freedman's bureau do in the south after the civil war?

What the freedman's bureau do in the south after the civil war was to help everyone with medical issue and learning issues.